More and more people begin to ask me "How to ...?" So I figured it would be more convenient for everybody if I post the programs I am using here. I am not CS major, I don't know much about C or C++, I just know how to cut and past. Here are the programs. These are simple programs, you only need to change a few lines, you don't have to know C or C++.To compile these programs , type "gcc filename.c util.c -o yourfile.cgi". Creat a cgi-bin directory under your www directory. And move the program you just compiled(yourfile.cgi) to the cgi-bin directory. Then change its mode to "-rwsr-xr-x" (here is the command that you shoule use: chmod 4755 filename). Ask the webmaster at your site for the "AccessFileName"(".htaccess" is the default name). Creat the file ".htaccess" in your cgi-bin directory. It should contain the following lines(if you know what you are doing, you can change them)

AddType application/x-httpd-cgi .cgi
Options All
<limit GET>
order deny,allow
allow from all
Make this file world readable (chmod a+r .htaccess). If you have all this things set up and it doesn't work, then you probably need to consult the webmaster in your university. This page tells you almost everything you ever want to know about HTML. I will put some cute "lines" here later.


1. These are for people who is not running their own WWW server. In another words, these are for non-webmasters. For webmasters, just compile the file and put it in cgi-bin and that's it. 2. Remember to change the program's mode to "-rwsr-xr-x", it's important. When you creat something like a guestbook, you don't need to give other people write permission to the guestbook file (it's potentially dangerous). The guestbook file should be only writable by yourself. The program in the cgi-bin directory will take care of everything, if you change the program's mode to "-rwsr-xr-x".